
Cooking with terpenes: Mushroom and foie omelette with terpenes

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Hello again new flavors lovers! Today in this new edition of “Cooking with terpenes” by Cali Terpenes, we’ll present this fantastic recipe of David Ribalta @chef420grados: “Mushroom and foie omelette with terpenes“.

This time we have used Sweet Tooth terpenes, which give it an earthy and deep touch with really special sweet touches, but you can try other strain of our 47 food grade terpenes profiles.

Cooking with terpenes: Mushroom and foie omelette with terpenes.


  • Eco eggs: 3
  • Camagrocs or yellow trumpets (mushrooms): 100 gr
  • Trumpets of death (mushrooms): 100 gr
  • Onion: 1/2
  • Foie gras: 50 gr
  • Terpenes: 1 drop of Sweet Tooth terpenes by Cali Terpenes
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Salt
cannabis recipe
The combination of flavors and smells that are achieved by combining terpenes and food are truly amazing. Dare to create!

Steps to follow:

  1. Heat the pan over high heat, without adding oil, as the foie fat will be enough.
  2. Start to cook the foie slice. When it is at the optimum point of cooking and both sides are golden, remove and keep separately.
  3. Sauté the onion previously cut in julienne (thin strips) in the same pan where the foie was, so that it cooks with the fat released (if necessary, add a little bit of olive oil) and a pinch of salt.
  4. Leave for 5/10 minutes until it does not look puffy and golden. Better if the first minutes is covered. You can add a little of water so that it doesn’t dry out or doesn’t ends up burning.
  5. Add a drop of the chosen terpene, in this case “Sweet Tooth” and blend until obtaining a dense sauce.

    use terpenes in food
    The recipes of food with terpenes are endless. Add different cannabis aromas and combine with the aromas of the different edibles.
  6. Finally, prepare the last ingredient for the omelette: the mushrooms.
  7. Heat a frying pan with olive oil, add the trumpets of death and the camagrocs to the pan, add salt and sauté for a couple of minutes.
  8. Now that all the ingredients for the filling are ready, you have to prepare the omelette.
  9. Crack the eggs, season and beat well.
  10. Pour the beaten eggs into a frying pan (previously heated with oil) and stir a little. Wait a few seconds then start to set and add the mushrooms, followed by the foie gras and finally the onion sauce with terpenes.
  11. When looks ready, remove and serve.

It’s time to surprise your diners! Enjoy your meal!

terpenes recipe
And you already know another fantastic recipe for terpenes in food, now, enjoy!

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Cali Terpenes x Chef 420º – David Ribalta

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